Monday, July 19, 2010

If you go out in the woods today....

I love playing around with the hubby's camera. It really captures the extraordinary qualities of everyday things. (It is totally the camera. There is no skill required from me when using this camera.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


So. I'm going to initiate and attempt to keep a blog. I've recently become addicted to quilting blogs and it is so inspiring to see what others are doing that I have to try out new things, too. And once I try them (successful or not) I want to share with others who might be interested. This blog won't be just about quilting though. It will probably end being more like a journal, as I have a wide variety of interests that changes with the weather.

First project to show off...

String block

Made using a "p.s. i quilt" tutorial

(Why does it look so much prettier when other people link? Must experiment some more...)

Fabric - Frolic by Sandy Gervais for Moda

I had such a blast making this and I just luuuv that fabric. I'm in the process of using it for another quilt. I had tons left over from a jelly roll and could not resist some experimentation. I've been collecting fabric and hoarding it for several years, and am now just gaining the courage to cut them up.

But with rewards like this, who could help but feel encouraged!